Thursday, September 11, 2008

this is something i'm working on but i'm definatly not done!
she was young.but not that the time she was only but 15. she had no idea what her meaning in life was or why she even had one. she was oblivious to the world in front of her and she thought nothing could stand in the way of her and her dreams.BUT, until then she didn't even have any dreams to fight for.she had no hopes. she had no plan. she had see nothing bad had really ever happened to her. her parents were both in her life, and they weren't poor, but they weren't rich either.they were living in the 21st century so compared to the nonsense on planet " earth" her life was pretty see she was in a parallel universe called Lamadon. i know your probably wondering "how would she know so much about earth" i don't know either maybe shes earths stalker don't ask me just read.
so anyways, it was just a normal day in lamadon, school, horrible uniforms, and the occasional slap with the ruler.and of course after everyone got home all the families in town would go down to watch the horse races by the docks (you know to bet money you don't have and critisize people to make you feel better about yourself.) while all the children (under 15) went in this big wooden boat and sat there. and when i say wooden i mean wooden there was nothing but wood.EVEN THE FIDGE WAS MADE OUT OF WOOD .
today there was no other children there so she decided to go and peak out at the horse race. she climbed up andwhat she saw took her breath away. it was magnificent.just the way the rode the horses gave her the chills.see this is NOT like regular horse riding on earth.not at all instead of measly riding the horse you got put in this giant wheel with a big ball secured in the middle. the horse rider got put in the ball in the middle strapped down and the horse ran the wheel while you twisted around.this big contraption was called a buntag.and as you probably would have guessed girls weren't allowed to be horse riders.girls couldnt do anything.all guys saw us being useful for is wearing clown makeup and poofy dresses with neon prints on them. oh, and of course doing our job.all woman had the same job....making deoterant.and if you are interested in knowing why we needed so much it is because thats what the horses ate.and since everyone camedown here everyday and the horses were so busy we needed alot of it.who wants to look foward to growing up and making deoterant? but just as she was thinking all of these crazy thoughts of having a world of change and woman being as good as men somebody tapped her on the shoulder.she shook out of her gaze and looked over at where the tap came from.she saw a boy. around 18. and he looked like a traveler. she had a puzzled look on her face and asked him what he wanted."umm.."he said." i just wanted to interview what you have to say about the horse riding you look very inspired." she looked shocked now."me? you really care what i have to say? im a woman can't you see." "i can very well tell that you are a woman and a very beautiful one at that."she couldn't help but she told him of her dream to be a horse rider and how inspiring it was and how there was no hope on it and she would most likely just end up being a deoterant maker like her mother and all the woman in the town. he said that she shouldn't give up and in some crazy way she believed him.she didn't know why she barely even knew the guy.but this gut feeling was to good to just look past.she knew there was something special about this boy.

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