Tuesday, September 30, 2008

PLEASE GO ON MY STORY BLOG! IM TRYING TO KICK IT OFF THE GROUND ITS called my-death-blueprint.blogspot.com


OWN that dude is awesome! OWN OWN OWN OWN OWNAGE

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


so I've decided I'm going to put all of my new philosophy's on my blog so heres my latest.

pac man might not last but banana condoms are forever.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

how would you like to be greeted as...ewww good morning ugly.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

the truth

george bush hates black people, he said so himself-by doo-doo.blogspot.com

he lived so others could die.

he lived so others could die.some people may say hes a horrible person.but thats before they here his story.now you will here his story.a man woke up in darkness, all he could see was an exit sign above what he hoped was a door.he struggled to untie the rope holing him down and when he did get it undone he ran towards the door and opened it.as soon as he saw the light, he got shot,dead.now you wonder who killed this confused man?well his name is john.and he believed his life was made to kill people to save them from father pain he new was coming.because the moment that guy went any farther he would have been tortured more than anybody could have imagined.so maybe his meaning in life WAS to put people out of there misery or what you would probably describe as there "future misery".but no matter what you callit it all comes down to the one sentence, he lived so others could die.

Friday, September 12, 2008


hey im really bored right now and i just wanted to come in and say hi!...even know nobody is going to ever see this probably. so right now im watching no reservatiions its a cute movie but im still bored as hell.but the ending is so CUTE omg i just saw it lol well im gonna go cuz well....theres nothing to say.although this is good typing skills!so i keeep telling my dad to put my songs on my psp and he hasnt done it yet.so yeah theres my life story..and im so fricking fed up with the band at my school they dont even fricking know what there doing! i dont belong in beggining band for the second time just because i dont know 8 major scales by heart i just cant get oveer that its just so damn retarded and ive been looking up everyones blogs with like random names and stuff and there all like from 2002 and none of them are even goo!thats so gay appreciate writing!people its like the most biggest thing youll ever have control of!just do it okay? so okay bye.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

this is something i'm working on but i'm definatly not done!
she was young.but not that young.at the time she was only but 15. she had no idea what her meaning in life was or why she even had one. she was oblivious to the world in front of her and she thought nothing could stand in the way of her and her dreams.BUT, until then she didn't even have any dreams to fight for.she had no hopes. she had no plan. she had nothing.you see nothing bad had really ever happened to her. her parents were both in her life, and they weren't poor, but they weren't rich either.they were living in the 21st century so compared to the nonsense on planet " earth" her life was pretty wonderful.you see she was in a parallel universe called Lamadon. i know your probably wondering "how would she know so much about earth" i don't know either maybe shes earths stalker don't ask me just read.
so anyways, it was just a normal day in lamadon, school, horrible uniforms, and the occasional slap with the ruler.and of course after everyone got home all the families in town would go down to watch the horse races by the docks (you know to bet money you don't have and critisize people to make you feel better about yourself.) while all the children (under 15) went in this big wooden boat and sat there. and when i say wooden i mean wooden there was nothing but wood.EVEN THE FIDGE WAS MADE OUT OF WOOD .
today there was no other children there so she decided to go and peak out at the horse race. she climbed up andwhat she saw took her breath away. it was magnificent.just the way the rode the horses gave her the chills.see this is NOT like regular horse riding on earth.not at all instead of measly riding the horse you got put in this giant wheel with a big ball secured in the middle. the horse rider got put in the ball in the middle strapped down and the horse ran the wheel while you twisted around.this big contraption was called a buntag.and as you probably would have guessed girls weren't allowed to be horse riders.girls couldnt do anything.all guys saw us being useful for is wearing clown makeup and poofy dresses with neon prints on them. oh, and of course doing our job.all woman had the same job....making deoterant.and if you are interested in knowing why we needed so much it is because thats what the horses ate.and since everyone camedown here everyday and the horses were so busy we needed alot of it.who wants to look foward to growing up and making deoterant? but just as she was thinking all of these crazy thoughts of having a world of change and woman being as good as men somebody tapped her on the shoulder.she shook out of her gaze and looked over at where the tap came from.she saw a boy. around 18. and he looked like a traveler. she had a puzzled look on her face and asked him what he wanted."umm.."he said." i just wanted to interview you.here what you have to say about the horse riding you look very inspired." she looked shocked now."me? you really care what i have to say? im a woman can't you see." "i can very well tell that you are a woman and a very beautiful one at that."she couldn't help but blush.so she told him of her dream to be a horse rider and how inspiring it was and how there was no hope on it and she would most likely just end up being a deoterant maker like her mother and all the woman in the town. he said that she shouldn't give up and in some crazy way she believed him.she didn't know why she barely even knew the guy.but this gut feeling was to good to just look past.she knew there was something special about this boy.
so here is a piece of my writing...its kind of intense and its not my best but all well.
what would you do if we didn't care?
would you rot right there?
while we burned your hair
would you rot right there in pain and while your scared
would you rot right there being passed around *would you rot right there?*
being raped and used.*would you rot right there?*how could you just sit right there rotting your life away.cutting the pain always in shame, playing it cool while your insides are torn.
beating at your head, your self esteem has fled, feeling slutty and worthless
is all your meant to be?*please don't rot right there like your already dead, live life without a label, living life while your dead just isn't stable.
so don't rot right there get up and move.
take your past and shatter it like glass and leave them to rot right there.

yeah this saying is kickass.and true cathrine if you looking at this i doo doo your ass (inside joke) i dont know if its a good thing to be like what this icon says but i dont care im happy to be who i am and everone should be the same way.just a piece of advise.so have a wonderful day and i would love to give a shout out to this sad dayh and the meaning behind 9-11 god bless there souls and may god be with there lived ones.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

HEY PEOPLES! im like really bored right now so i deciided to just right to you. so i know you probably don't care but here's whats going on in my life.First thing is that i just joined band and i can't be in symphonic and jazz because "i don't know eight major scales by heart" how retarded is that? so yeah... also i need to tell you this really funny story i cannot just get over! okay so i was at my old middle schoool (i switched schools last year) and school was out so everyone was going home and the football players were all going out to practice and i was like "hi! i probably know most of you!" and the like quarterback was like "slut" it was so fricking hilarious. so thats basicly whats going on in my life right now..... nothing out of the usually.(oh yeah and im not really a slut that dude didnt know me and it was just a joke to let you know.) thats usually a day in my shoes pretty boring huh? and wildly unpredictable. i thik im gonna get checked out to see if i have bipolar disorder or something because i think i might one day im all happy and saying HI to people and the next im not and then people expect me to be all perky and funny give me a break you cant depend on me as your entertainment im not a freaking joker.there i go again with the bipolar thing...well bye
god bless you all,